This Day Forward

What Happens When Faith and Fear Collide?

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Inspired by the true story of a young wife and mother of three, struggling to keep her family and her faith intact after her husband is diagnosed with a stage three brain tumor.

Mike has endured a lifetime’s worth of radiation, chemotherapy, steroids that have decimated the once bold and charismatic husband, father, and gifted musician.

Jen is left to hold her family together, contested at every step by her oldest daughter, Aria, who lashes out as she struggles to cope with the loss of stability and her biggest fan. When bandmate Erich arrives for a special concert to celebrate Mike, Jen must confront her anger and faith as she does her best to remember how God has done, and still has much to do, in their lives.

This Day Forward was produced in collaboration with Meriwether Productions.
All proceeds contribute to our ability to continue telling faith-based stories for you and your family!



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